My Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 2021
Rocky Mountain’s Finest “All Stars” Campaign…
Oops I've done it again! I've gotten myself nominated to the Cystic Fibrosis Rocky Mountain's Finest "All Stars" Class of 2021...which means I get to do one of my favorite things...
RAISE MONEY so we can find a CURE for CF!
My goal is to raise $20,000! Am I crazy? (don't answer that question!)
I am crazy-determined to do all I can to help find a cure for my nephew TREY, and all the others fighting this rare disease. I am in this for the long haul...until CF stands for CURE FOUND.
Will you help me?
You can contribute in a few ways:
I am honored and humbled by all of the support so many of you have given over the years. Whether time, talent or treasure-I say a huge THANK YOU on behalf of myself, and Trey and his family too.
A little more info…
My nephew, Trey Strickler, has Cystic Fibrosis. He’s 21 years old & he’s one of my favorite people! Trey was diagnosed with CF as a baby, and it’s been a hard road of thousands and thousands of pills, and countless hours of treatments (to clear lung mucus) and multiple hospital stays each year.
CF is a genetic disease (both parents have to be a “carrier”) that affects the body’s ability to remove mucus from the lungs & eventually wreaks havoc on the digestive system as well (many CF-ers also develop diabetes). It is known to cut life way too short for our CF Fighters. The best news is that the CF Foundation is leading the world in medical research and creating game-changing drugs that help dramatically reduce lung and digestive symptoms.
In the meantime, Myself, and my whole family, are committed to doing whatever it takes to help CF stand for CURE FOUND!!!
And that’s what I’m doing in this “Finest” campaign- I’m raising money and awareness to help find a cure!
Would you check to see if your company makes matching donations?
Do you want to buy tickets to our big event and celebrate with us?
Would you consider a cash donation?
Will you help share my posts on social media?
Do you know anyone with a connection to CF- send them to us and we can get them involved!
Anything and everything is welcomed!